
Saturday, April 6, 2019

Throwback Date Night In Box

This Date Night In box was honestly one of the most fun boxes we have received!  It was full of memories, long conversations, and laughing so hard I would cry!  
Seriously it was so funny!

Here's what was in this box:  an inflatable microphone, 2 pairs of sunglasses, a Rubix cube, Pop Rocks candy, Ring Pop, Smarties, Kool Aid mix, multi color pen, long bags, DNI Throwback pamphlet packed with games and ideas for Date Night, and Truth/Dare Karaoke.

Dallin is always so cute and loves to read up on our date night.  We started with Gnarly Trivia!  It was so fun to come up with the answers together or see who was right!?  Do you know which pop boy band name is made up of the last letter of each band member's name?  It's only the very best Nsync!!!  I should've known that!

There were so many fun things in this box, Dallin and I were throughly entertained!

Next we played MASH!  My absolute favorite!  I use to play this ALL the time growing up!  It was so fun to make one for Dallin and I.  Even if we are destined to live in a shack.  ;)

The next thing we played was Truth/Dare Karaoke.  This was the game that had me laughing so hard I was crying.  I now know that Dallin is the best/worst person to play Truth or Dare with! haha He loves to do crazy, unexpected things so any dare is completely fine by him.  It made for lots of laughs though and we are just fine with that!  

For example Dallin got Dared to do his best impression of the air guitar and of course he messes up his hair and gets ALL into it! Notice his hair in this picture and the face.  He is so funny!

I got to choose my own dare for Dallin and I had him do his hilarious impression of the Thriller dance outside while he took the garbage out! It was so funny!  Do you see his zombie hands?  It was the best.  Luckily I only had to do one Dare and all others were Truths!

We love to pull out our Date Night In box during nap time on a weekend so we can have some time together during the day while Olivia is asleep.  Day dates are so fun!  We even have more things to do in this box like make freeze pops with the 2 bags and Kool Aid mix, and can't wait for another date night or day to finish them!  

If you'd like more information about Date Night In boxes you can go HERE!  

I did receive this box for free from Date Night In Boxes for reviewing purposes.  I'm so grateful I can share things I love with you.

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