
Sunday, April 28, 2019

Weekly Highlight April 21-27

Life happens so fast and I just want to catch and enjoy all of it!  I use to do Monthly Highlights, but a LOT of things can happen in a month so I decided I'm going to try to do Weekly Highlights.

Easter was great.  Holidays with a little one are so much more fun!  They love everything! haha The Easter Bunny left Olivia some adorable little Easter toys and a few pairs of new shoes.  She thought it was so fun to put the toys in the shoes, just like the Easter Bunny did, and has been doing it all week!

The only thing that made her smile in this picture was having her Bunny and saying "Hop, hop, hop!"

She got a cute new Easter dress that she looked so darn cute in with her gold bow and gold moccasins!

On her second easter egg hunt Olivia learned to call to eggs (haha) and find them and then pick them up and put them in her basket.  

After Easter Dallin had a work trip for half of the week, but we still had a few fun things happen!

We went to Costco!  I'm on a mission to find pretty healthy and filling snacks because I'm a huge snack-er.  We had to repurchase a pack of Steak Strips! These things are delicious and everything you want in beef jerky.  Soft, flavorful and high quality!

We also tried the Dark Chocolate Nuggets with Coconut and Super Seeds.  They are so good!  An easy and better option for a treat!  I can't find them online but you can find them by the snack foods.

For mutual this week the YW and YM played Human Hungry Hippos!  It looked so cool and dangerous! haha Luckily no one got hurt.  If you'd like more mutual ideas let me know.  We've had several fun activities that I'd love to share.

We went to Gardner Village and found all the adorable fairies in the Woodland Fairy Festival!  Seriously our favorite time of year at Gardner Village.  The fairies will be there until June 15th so be sure to stop in.  We saw uncle Cody at work and we loved it!!

She LOVES Brittany and her family!

She also LOVES her grandma so, so much!

Olivia wants to be outside ALL. THE. TIME.  so one day we ate lunch outside.

She's been into curling up on my old desk mat and pretending she's asleep.  She's so darn cute!

THIS talk by Elder Hales is such a good one!  I also read THIS, this week and loved it.

Olivia loves getting into the fridge.  So when she found raspberries at Grandma's she just hung out there till they were gone.

Dallin and I went to the first ever Utah Dough Show and it was so much fun!  This was only a little under half of what we got to sample at the show today.

Olivia also got to ride with our sweet neighbor in her little toy car.  I felt like I was watching something that's going to happen in about 10 or 15 years, but in a real car. haha

We also made my favorite peanut butter brownie bites for a farewell.  I used the recipes for the brownie bite base and the peanut butter ganache you can find on this post HERE, but I used my all time favorite peanut butter frosting you can find on THIS post.  It was a busy and fun week!

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