
Thursday, December 3, 2015

November 2015 Ipsy Glam Bag

Ah you guys my pictures are not fabulous at all this time around.  Bear with me and meanwhile if you see any photo tips or posts send them my way.  I apparently need them :/ but noticing it is the first step to progress right! haha
Anyway I did want to at least document my November Glam Bag so I can keep record of the things I love and might want to remember in the future.  My memory is not as sharp these days and even bad pictures can help it out. :)

I know, I know these pictures are a stretch but here are the products and my review of them:
  • Smashbox Cosmetics Full Exposure mascara-I've heard SO much about this mascara. It was so fun to finally try it for myself.  I love the length and definition it gives my lashes as well as the volume.  Really great mascara, but is it bad if I want to stick with my CoverGirl Lash Blast-same quality and end result but a lot cheaper!
  • tucker ashley Perfecting Moisturizer-This moisturizer has been so nice for all the dry, cold nights here in UT.  It is so creamy and well...moisturizing! I love it!
  • tre'StiQue Mini Matte Lip Crayon-Just like shadow sticks, I LOVE lip crayons and this one was perfect.  Perfect color, and size.  It lasted a long time too!
  • Beaute Basics Navy Gel Eyeliner with Gel Eyeliner Brush-I don't know when/where I'd wear blue eyeliner, maybe I just need to experiment a little bit more.  But I loved how it came with a brush.
  • DERMELECT 'ME' Peptide Infused Lacquer- I love this color.  I did try this last night and it dries super quick and you can build up the color depending on how many coats you want.
As you might have noticed before I love the colors and shades in this bag, except for the blue eyeliner, I will wear the other colors on a regular basis.  One thing in comparison to other boxes I missed is a little info card about each item.  I like reading up on them and knowing what I'm using and how to use it.
Overall this was a fun bag to receive because I didn't know of most of the products and I was able to try new brands.  If you'd like to grab your own Glam Bag head on over to Ipsy's website!

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