
Friday, December 4, 2015

November Highlights

November started out with a bang when my Mom, Dad, Dallin and I rushed to Las Vegas to see Donny and Marie in concert.  It was seriously so much fun, and I realized I want to go on more vacations with my parents. 

My family has a tradition of going to the Family Christmas Gift Show together each year.  It is such a good time to get into the holiday spirit and look at interesting and unique gifts together.
This was the first year I was able to attend the Chocolate Extravaganza at Gygi's.  My Mom and I have taken cooking classes in the past so free cooking classes about chocolate-you better believe we were there!  I absolutely loved having my mother in law and sister in law Courtney come.  I wish I got a picture of our group it was such a blast!

That same night Dallin and I headed up to the Strong's cabin one last time before the weather got bad.  It's such a perfect spot and we loved every minute of our little getaway.  Even the extra drive up there later the next day because we forgot to turn off the furnace. Oops!

We also had game night with a few of Dallin's siblings and it was so fun.  We just love Naaman and Becky's cute house and kids!  I didn't get a picture-I'm still getting used to this whole blogging world!
Emma turned 3!  Brittany hosted the cutest Bubble Guppies birthday party for her and it was adorable (as usual).  Brittany is one of the most talented ladies I know!  I hope to post more of the cute party and my little contribution later.

We had Thanksgiving at the Strong's this year.  I'm not kidding when I say I used to dream about my mother in laws candy.  Call me crazy, but I love candy and she makes some pretty amazing ones! Dallin and I are hoping to follow some of her recipes soon and try our hand at it ourselves-we just know it won't be quite the same as hers though. 

After we went up to my house and played some games with some of the family still there.  We played Wits and Wagers and I realized once again I'm not good with numbers or history. haha

We talked in our ward for the first time.  I consider this a big accomplishment because I absolutely despise public speaking.   I talked about Joy and Dallin talked about The Gospel of Jesus Christ.  He did such a good job, he's such a natural!  His cute parents and my cute mom and sister, Bethany came and supported us, it meant so much to see them in the crowd.  As a side note my mom has never missed a lesson, talk, anything that I've given.  Ever.  This lady is such a perfect support for me.  Love you Mom!

On the very last day of November we rang in the Christmas season by having some of my family over at our apartment.  We made some pretty amazing and easy macaroni and cheese.  After that we went to Temple Square with Britt's family and it was so much fun!  Emma is a hoot!  She had Dallin and I laughing all night. 

They had so many fun things to see in the Visitor's Center.  Like this new Book of Mormon spot!

We absolutely love living so close to all these fun things down town!


  1. Great post sister friend.:) You had a busy and fun November!
