
Wednesday, November 23, 2016

He is the GIFT

He is the GIFT
I'm hoping to share a few little Christmas gifts I have given in the past to hopefully help those that need some ideas and to have them all in one place for future use! 

One year I gave every member of our Relief Society a little Christmas gift. 
Really it was the best one yet!  Cute, simple and really is the only gift we need!
I wanted to give a picture of Christ to each girl so I found a pack of pictures of Christ at Seagull Book and was on my way!  I made this tag with Brittany and wrapped it up with the picture in little fancy ribbons just like a little gift. 
I wanted to give them all a little treat too so one night Dallin and I dipped tons of Trader Joe's Candy Cane Joe Joe's (If you haven't tried them DO! They are completely delicious!).  We used milk and white chocolate, but you could use whatever you prefer or have on hand.  Same goes for the toppings.  I crushed up some candy canes and sprinkled them on top before the chocolate had set, but you could use sprinkles, crushed Oreos, or anything really!  I drizzled some with the different chocolate for some contrast and fun flavor options too!
Then just package them up individually (like me) or in a bundle and you just made the easiest Christmas treat!

Brittany enlarged some of the tags so they could be given to anyone with a larger framed picture of Christ or even a statue of Christ. 

If you would like the He is the Gift tag you can go HERE!

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