
Thursday, November 10, 2016

October Highlights

October flew by.  Just like the rest of this year.  Here's the highlights for us this month!
General Conference!  This is definitely a weekend we look forward to.  My mom gave the cutest coloring binders to all of us girls so we could stay focused and enjoy conference even more!

During Priesthood session us girls had a craft night, sponsored by Bethany! ha!  She was so sweet and bought us all TONS of stuff from her work (The Wood Connection).  We had so much fun!

If you'd like to learn how to make these super simple and cute wood blocks you can go HERE!

Dallin and I are heading to Disneyland soon so we are trying to prepare by going on lots of walks!  Sometimes we have cute little walking buddies too!

Dallin had 2 business trips in October!  Total bummer.  But my cute grandma surprised me with my favorite cookies from The Store.  Mint Chocolate cookies with the top covered in chocolate.  Yes please!

I've been LOVING my calligraphy class this semester!  I'm hoping to do a post on it soon, but all I'm saying is if you have any friends getting married that need invitations addressed or quotes you'd like done-I'd love to help and get more practice!

My Mom had the cutest candy corn Halloween party!  You can find all the adorable details HERE!

Emma was Elsa for Halloween and she loved sporting the cutest little french braid aka Elsa braid throughout the month!  

We got "Boo'ed" in our new house!  Made us feel right at home! :)

I received a fun (and FREE) box from Pinch Me!

I also celebrated another birthday!  Dallin and my family were so sweet!  I was definitely spoiled!

Cody gave me a 2 pound bag of my all time favorite caramel from The Chocolate Covered Wagon and a box of the prettiest chocolates.

Dallin made me breakfast in the morning and surprised me with roses delivered to our house. He also got me some of my favorite candles from Bath & Body Works and my very favorite bath bombs from Lush.  He just gets me!

Bethany surprised me with a complete hot chocolate set.  Hot chocolate is one of my favorite things too!

I also really like my cute little niece and nephew.  They (and their parents of course) gave me the cutest box of cards (another favorite) and money!

Oh and that adorable Give Thanks decoration!

My mom gave me 3 different pairs for the prettiest earrings (you guessed it-another favorite).

And this super cute jewelry holder from Hobby Lobby full of my favorite coconut chocolates.

Brandon gave me cute earrings and my favorite candy bar!  I've got such an awesome family!  We went to lunch at La Hacienda in Draper and later that night had pie and cake!

I did my first ever giveaway to celebrate Halloween!  I've already got some more ideas for future giveaways so make sure to follow me on Instagram, Facebook, and of course here! :)

Now bring on all the Christmas music and decorations! :)

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