
Monday, January 29, 2018

January Visiting Teaching Continued

I love a good handout idea especially for visiting teaching.  It's great to drop off on their door step if you're in a rush or to bring with your visit and expand on the message.  This month I shared my thoughts and some handout ideas HERE, that would be great to use for the sisters you visit teach and also if you're in the Relief Society Presidency or a District Leader to share the new principle for the month.

In honor of our beloved Prophet Thomas S. Monson passing away at the beginning of this month I wanted to share a few quotes that I love from him.  He was such an incredible example of positivity, kindness, and had such good humor.  He will be missed!

These quotes can be put on the fridge with a magnet or they are also the perfect size for my favorite IKEA frames!

Give them with some treats or leave them just the way they are!   Wouldn't it be so fun to give this with some cheap gold jewelry to bring out the gold in the frames?!  Like this cute, inexpensive bracelet you can find HERE!

No matter what you give or don't give along with these quotes they are a great reminder to have up in your house all month long, or until the next set comes with the next visit. ;)

Find the FREE printable HERE!

This post may contain affiliate links, but all opinions are my own.

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