
Saturday, February 10, 2018

February Visiting Teaching Handout Ideas

I know the month is almost half way over but I just had to share the cute ideas I thought of for visiting teaching handouts this month.  I have so many fun printables and handout ideas to share with you so bear with me!

February is one of my favorite months because of all the adorable things and everyone seems to be spreading love.  

This months visiting teaching principle is to get to know her and her family.  I definitely need to work on this one!  Its a great excuse to learn more about the sisters you visit teach.  You'll be better able to connect and serve them too!  So to start off this printable packed post (say that 5 times fast) I have a tag that would be ideal to give to your District Leaders, or sisters in your district.

I found the cutest little heart containers at Walmart for only 98 cents then filled it up with some SweetTarts, but you could fill it with any heart shaped candy! 
THESE would be a super cute option too! 

Or this pot holder and towel set I got in the Target Dollar Spot.  That place is a gold mine!  These little gift ideas could go with any of the printables!  So many fun options!

Next is a perfect one for anything with hearts or 'love' on it, like these adorable heart magnets.  

Or a super cute herat container from the Target Dollar Spot!

A bath bomb or some fun Valentine treats like a few dipped strawberries, chocolates or a sugar cookie would be so cute on one of these conversation heart plates.  

The next printable could make a great tag or magnet.  All you need is love!

Attach this one to a cute heart jewelry/cake plate or fill more treats in the heart container, or even this super cute heart garland all from the Target Dollar Spot, or a simple $1 box of chocolates that is the perfect little treat!

 I love this heart apron from the Target Dollar Spot!

The next printable is probably my favorite.  I love this quote from President Nelson.  

Its so reassuring that we have our Heavenly Father to help us through this life, and also amazing visiting teachers, friends, and family!  We really are so loved! 

Pair this one with some cute heart puzzle mazes.  I found mine at Walmart for $1!  Or they can be found on Amazon HERE!  These would be so fun for Primary kids.

Going along with the quotes every month from a different apostle, this month I chose our new prophet President Russell M. Nelson!  He is such a sweet, kind man and you can see how much he loves and cares about the church with how he acts.  I love THIS video from him.  I worry about everything and anything so this video struck home for me.  Watch it!  You'll love it!

And of course these can be put in our favorite IKEA frames also only $1!  

I wanted to share a few other ideas you can pair any of these tags with.  

These decoration blocks are so adorable and only a $1 at the Target Dollar Spot!

You can find this Love sign at Dollar Tree.

You always need tissues, and if they are fabulous they are even better.  Find these for a $1 in the Target Dollar Spot.

For the last printable you can give this to the sisters you visit teach or your district to get to know them a little bit better! It's also great for birthday treats or upcoming visit ideas.  Great for getting to know them and their family a little bit more!  

Or you could give her and her family a FHE pack or Cookie Kit so they could have a fun family night together!  Find more about that in this post HERE!

As always no matter what you give or don't give just LOVE your sisters.  All you need is love!

Find all the free printables HERE!

Find more monthly Love Notes below:
(They are perfect for Ministering/Visiting Teaching/Home Teaching)

March (I made LOADS of ideas this month-find them all HERE!)

April  and HERE

This post may contain affiliate links, but all opinions are my own. 

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