
Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Hello Dolly Bars

After wanting to slowly get back into baking, with nothing too crazy or fancy I decided to go with something classic and delicious and EASY!!  Enter Hello Dolly Bars!  They are the best, most simple, easy ingredient bars you can find.  

This recipe is super adaptable to your liking and preferences.  I don't really care for nuts so I opt out of those but you could always add chopped pecans to the mix.

I've made these bars for years and I've discovered some tricks to making the best and least messy Hello Dolly Bars.  One of the major tricks is putting down aluminum foil then spraying it with non stick cooking spray to help prevent sticking and make it super easy to cut, serve, and clean up!

Not even joking this dessert is loved by many.  Even people that don't like coconut or butterscotch chips,love this dessert (and both of them are in there).

Try it out and let me know what you think!

Hello Dolly Bars

-2 C. graham crackers, crushed

-10 T. butter, melted

-1 C. semi-sweet chocolate chip

-! C. butterscotch chips

-1 C. pecans, chopped (optional)

-2 C. shredded coconut

-1 can sweetened condensed milk

Preheat oven to 325 degrees.  Line a 9x13 pan with aluminum foil then spray lightly with non stick cooking spray.  Crush graham crackers in a bag or in food processor.  Melt butter, then mix melted butter and graham crackers together until well combined.  Press graham cracker and butter mixture in to the bottom of the pan.  Cover with chocolate chips, butterscotch chips and pecans evenly.  Feel free to add more or less of these ingredients depending on your liking, just make sure your base is covered.  Add shredded coconut evenly over the chips.  Then pour sweetened condensed milk on top evenly.  Bake for 25 minutes.  Let cool then take aluminum foil out of pan for easy cutting and serving.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

January Love Notes Snowflakes

After my crazy experience that started a month ago this last week, I've learned a lot.  I'm SURE I'll be learning lots more but as of right now some things have really stuck.  Relationships and how you treat people really matter.  It doesn't have to be big or cost of lot of money-those things are fun and great too don't get me wrong (just don't over hype it)-just do some thing!  Dropping off a little note or treat can make someones day.  It can stop them from crying for a few hours or restore their hope in humanity.  It's so simple and can be so easy.  That's why I started these little Love Notes because I wanted everyone to share the love so easily.  Print, cut and go.  Of course it's nice to have a little something with it but you don't have to.  If you do want to you can easily find a lot of things at the grocery store while you're grocery shopping.

A few days ago I shared my snow themed tags super cute, I wanted to share my snowflake themed tags as well.  Even with major brain trauma and recovery I still have to make handouts.  Nothing can keep me down-with the Heavenly Father's help of course. It can sure make me tired though! haha

I loved this quote that I found about snowflakes that
you can put with anything snow or snowflake  themed.

 Above my mom found bottle brush trees for $1, you can find an online option HERE (Get a lot then give them away to many people, even if you give more than one there will be plenty for you too).

Or clip it right in to a cute snowflake holder.  My mom got these at Hobby Lobby about a month ago but I found an online option HERE.

I just love winter and winter wonderland themed things.

More Target Dollar Spot favs!  This little white Christmas village (HERE is a white village online) is so darn cute and with a  few bottle brush trees and LED tea light candles you'll for sure set the cozy scene for them.

The next tag is snowflake and New Years themed!  SO fun!

I love this cute little snowflake container my mom found at Dollar Tree, HERE'S an online option of the same snowflake trays if you are not close to a Dollar Tree.

A snowflake clip or magnet would be super cute so they can clip it up on their fridge or magnet board, find something similar HERE.

Or a snowflake ornament would be really cute and 
they can save it for next year for their Christmas tree.  Find some snowflake ornaments HERE.

Another Target Dollar Spot favorite is this felt snowflake banner, 
find a super cute online option HERE.

I think it would be adorable with anything wintery or snowman themed.  This Baby it's COLD outside sign was found at Dollar Tree.  Another option thats kind of similar is HERE.

I'm a huge fan of hot chocolate so why not give an easy little hot chocolate kit in a bag.  Wrapped with a snowflake something of course.  I wrapped this one with a snowflake ornament.

Grab 1 or more individual packets of hot chocolate, candy canes, chocolate kisses, and package some mini marshmallow. 

Wouldn't you love to receive that?

This one is specifically for good friends or the ladies you minister to.  
This would be a great "hello"or introduction gift with your info that she can keep forever.

Here's the cutest little wood block snowflake, covered in glitter for good measure.  Find a different option for a wood snowflake HERE.

Or a really cute snowflake glass plate filled plain or filled with goodies, my mom got this one at the Target Dollar Spot!  HERE is an option for online snowflake plates if you're interested.

Another cute snowflake clip idea, online option HERE-or you can easily make your own with a clothespin and wood or foam snowflake.

No matter what you pair with it from a cute little white village or candy bar, any tag you choose will let them know you are thinking of them and that's what really matters most.

Find the free printable links for each snowflake tag below:

Find other Love Notes from me below:

This post may contain affiliate links, but all opinions are my own.

Friday, January 18, 2019

1 Month Recovery Update

I hope to only do these post stroke updates while I’m recovering.  I don’t want to be known as the old stroke lady forever.  I hope that this helps if you’ve had a stroke or if you haven’t-It could change your perspective on your own life and blessings I think.  

A month ago on the 18th I had my first stroke.  It was scary and crazy but I never would've guessed it was a stroke.  

Here's what I've been dealing with this month:
-Hard things everyone does without thinking but they are really hard:  getting out of bed, getting the right amount of sleep (not to much and not too little-just right), swallowing, not crying at everything and anything, walking, loading the dish washer, doing laundry, keeping a clean house, doing things alone without a nurse or spotter right there or close by, not taking a nap every few hours, using a knife to cut for snacks and meals, stairs going up and down but especially down, saying the right words with a tongue that's super heavy and having lots of things you want to say.
-Carpe diem folks!!! YOLO.  How ever you want to say it live your life and love it!!
-Medical bills are cramping my style.
-Lots of odd pains, and my face and right hand tingle and burn.
-If I get too much sleep or too little I feel real groggy all day or head aches all day long and need to take a few naps through out the day.
-I’m SO emotional.  I feel like my feelings and thoughts are so heightened right now.  I think so much, one thing leads to another and I’m ugly crying in a flash.
-Still feel really weak and tired all the time but the soreness and pain gets better every day
-Doing things require LOTS of concentration so i’m constantly sticking my tongue out to think and focus real hard.
-I think I feel and think like a little old lady.  I constantly worry if I'm going to fall, my body aches and if I over do it-boy do I feel it the next day.
-Lots of worry and stress over medical things: bills, doctor visits, therapy. I have so many questions for the doctor I hope we have like 2 hours to talk. Haha
-Working on a few things with fine motor skills and trying to slowly build my strength back but I’ve been so blessed.  It could’ve turned out so much worse!!!
-Passed off physical therapy just working on occupational therapy.  I don’t mind, some of my homework is to play typing games/exercises, writing thank you notes and baking a cake.  DEAL!
-Some times I sit down and I feel completely fine for a brief moment.  No pain, just like old times.  It makes me sad, but hopeful.  Hopeful I will always feel that way again. I want more of those moments!
-Still hate sleeping and have the hardest time falling asleep/staying asleep.  Why don’t our beds have rails like the hospital and I should have a nurse watching me 24/7 right? hahaha
-Grateful.  For good people.  Kindness. Olivia, Dallin and my Mom. Our Heavenly Father.  Our Savior Jesus Christ.  Angels. The list could go on and on but those are definitely at the top.

I feel almost like a cat.  I think I have 9 lives but each time I come back I get slower and a little less cool. haha I think 3 strokes puts me at my last life but who knows?! I also love cat naps.

If i’m not a cat i’m definitely a circus act.  Every doctor or person in the medical field is fascinated with all that I can do.  I mean i’m pretty average but going through all that brain trauma makes me pretty incredible in their eyes, they all know I should be dead or at least severely crippled.  

Whenever I talk about Heavenly Father, miracles, blessings, or strokes I cry.  Last night during date night in while we watched Lord of the Rings, a scene hit home and got me crying.  We had to rewatch it I was crying so hard, don’t worry I cried again while we rewatched it. It's just so relatable and poor Frodo didn't even want the ring!! I am so scared to go to Sacrament meeting on Sunday because I know I'm going to be a mess but I miss going to church so bad!

I think one of my biggest trials is over thinking.  I think about everything. I see a mom playing with her little kid and I cry because I worry if I’ll ever be able to do that with Olivia.  Simple things really get me.  The unknown is frightening and literally keeps me up at night.  

I mean this isn’t the greatest thing to ever happen, but in a way i’m grateful it did.  It has given me perspective, clarification, direction and purpose.  I have always been indecisive but now I know no body’s got time for that!!  I’ve always loved my life and the people in it but now I REALLY love them.  Like I tell them exactly how I feel whenever I see them.  I’ve never been the greatest liar but now their is no chance I start laughing or spoil it before they can even try to believe it. I got my filter back so I don’t sing Ariana Grande songs on the fly anymore. hahaha I also don’t make therapy pizza anymore like I did in the hospital, sorry guys RuthAnne’s Pizza shop never had a chance-once I finish therapy you better believe I’m having a pizza party with chocolate pudding.  Two of my favorites in the hospital! I’ve learned that brains are a big deal-like really big!

-Walk up stairs with Olivia.
-Do 2 batches of laundry in 1 day.
-Go to the full 2! hours of church.
-Even if there are bad days try to switch it to a good one.
-Walk on the treadmill for 15 minutes every other day.
-Bake more, get those skills back girl you’ve got them in there!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

January Love Notes Snow

As a few of you know the end to my year of 2018 had me in the hospital while I struggled with not one but THREE strokes.  Like seriously this is crazy!  I'm hoping I'll share more soon.  While I'm doing lots of occupational therapy things including typing, writing and strengthening my hands-instead of doing those fun typing games I thought I would BLOG!  Why not!?  I have a huge stack of things I want to share so really it's the perfect situation.  

So with that being said, towards the end of 2018 I made a goal to keep sharing Love Notes!  No stroke is going to keep me down so even though after I took these pictures I probably needed a nap I still did them!  Yay!  I love that each of these tags have so many different little gifts you can pair them with if that's your thing, if not that's totally fine too!  

You are SNOW much fun!  We all know that person, they are just always fun to be around so whether its your ministering sister or friend, family member or just a person in your neighborhood give them a little tag and treat/gift to let them know just how fun they are!  Kindness no matter how big or small really does make a difference.

Thought I'd share a few options with you.  I've always been all for cheap but especially now with surprise medical bills. :( So no matter if you want to go expensive or cheap, shop what you have first. My mom always has a few extras on hand in case if someone particular comes to mind.  I've always thought she was a little angel on earth-spoiler it's she really IS!!

This cute Let It Snow sled is from Dollar Tree, find it HERE online.  Magnets are always a fun idea you can find them at any craft store or HERE!  You could even make your own by finding cute little wood signs and glueing magnets to the back.  I love that these tags can be matched with anything "snow" themed.  

My mom found this cute Let It Snow garland at Target at their Dollar Spot but I found another option HERE online if you're interested.

Also love this idea of a little decorative sled they can use again and again.  Found this one at the Dollar Spot at Target but HERE is another option.

I love wood decorations and my little sister is a master at them.  How cute would it be to whip one or a few up and give them away with a tag?  SO cute, I think!  If crafting isn't your thing THIS option is super cute too.

My other sister gave me this adorable Let it snow chalkboard decoration that is one of my favorite decorations.  This could also be handmade by buying frames and painting the glass with chalkboard paint then lettering on whatever words you'd like.  Or you could do this online option HERE.

Next tag includes more snow.  There's SNOW one I'd rather be with.  

Pair this with any of the above ideas or I'll share a few more below.

Another cute thing my mom had laying around were these Let it Snow cupcake liners.  How cute would this be with coconut cupcakes and shredded coconut on top or a white chocolate traced snowflake topper.  Or even a Chex Mix like Muddy Buddies inside each cup.  So cute and delicious.  You can find a similar version HERE.

Olivia and I love this snowman hanging decoration that goes on our front door.  
Find another option HERE.

Another homemade decoration idea is this popsicle stick snowman.  Its so fun and easy to paint the sticks using black and white paint.  Obviously you paint most of it white but stop towards the top and paint that section black.  Paint one whole popsicle stick black then attach a ribbon, bow, and felt face.  So darn cute!

I know this says Christmas and I've been quite the Scrooge this year because of recent events but this would be such a cute things for Christmas' to come!  My sister found this at Target in the Dollar Spot.  Super cute option found online HERE.

I know it's the middle of January but you are never late when you share some kindness.  So print out some of these tags and share, share, share kindness.  That's what really matters most.  

You can find the free printable tags right below:

Find the 'You are SNOW much fun!' tag HERE.

Find the 'There is SNOW one I'd rather be with!' tag HERE.

There will be 3 more January Love Notes so be sure to check back soon.

This post does contain affiliate links but, all opinions are my own.  

Monday, January 7, 2019

Winter Wonderland Date Night In Box

We're starting off this year slow and steady-hopefully.  After a crazy end to 2018 (hopefully I'll write more about that later), we are taking it easy.  What better way to relax and connect then with a Date Night In Box.  This one is Winter Wonderland themed.  Perfect!

Included in this box:  pretzels, white chocolate melts, snowflake sprinkles, mini hammer, board, 2 letter papers, 2 head bands, cards for games, nails, outlinse for string art, string, and Aromabeads.

We had quite the eventful-not in a good way-end to 2018 so we were happy to get back home and have a Date Night In.  I can't do much now a days but I was so grateful this box was ready and waiting for us.  

We started the night off with Winter Wonderland String Art.  So fun and easy!  We loved how simple it was.  We took turns hammering in the nails but luckily Dallin finished hammering while I made our little treat!

I melted the white chocolate melts and put them in a bag then zig zagged the chocolate to make it look like trees!

And sprinkled on some cute little snowflakes for good measure! Then let dry.

Meanwhile Dallin had hammered in all our nails for our String Art.

Then Dallin added the string.  He kept the paper on so he could see where to go.  It made it a little more time consuming to remove but he did it, and it turned out just fine!

I made sure treats and our lovely smelling Aromabeads were close by to set the mood.

See didn't he do awesome!?

Then we played the headband card game.

We played where you put a card in between your headband and head, not looking at the card and you have to guess what your card says.  If you guess right you keep the card.  Dallin rocked this game, I mostly got frustrated.  We played holiday people, places and things-which was so fun!

We loved our Date Night In!  Thanks to Date Night In Boxes!  Be sure to check them out if you need a little push in the right direction for connection with your loved ones.

I did receive this box for free, but all opinions are my own.
I'm grateful and excited to share things I love with you!