
Friday, January 15, 2016

2015 Highlights

Happy New Year!! Before we jump into all things new and 2016 I wanted to take a second to remember a few highlights of 2015.
It was such a huge year for us, and I don't want to forget any of it!

Dress shopping!  This was the first "wedding thing" I had heard so many horror stories about so I wanted to check it off my list first thing.  Well.  I found the dress pretty quickly but it still turned in to a horror story!! It almost didn't make it for my wedding in JULY!  Yes I did order it in January.  Apparently we should have been advised by our sales lady to rush the order, but she said we were fine.  I love my dress I really do but I did not like the headache that came along with it.  After many frustrating phone calls to the shop with the same answer, it finally arrived two short weeks before the big day, which was a complete nightmare for scheduling my bridals and alterations.  If you go to Latter Day Bride in SLC-do a rush order no matter what!!  Or go somewhere else and don't worry about the stress and headache. 

 One of my best friends Chelsey, went on her mission.  It was so fun to be together with some of my absolute favorite high school friends again.  Our schedules get so crazy we hardly ever see each other.  So it was so nice to have a reason to get together!


We celebrated our first Valentine's together as a couple.  We made Valentine boxes for an FHE activity our ward had.  We loved getting creative!  Since Bethany's birthday is on Valentine's Day we celebrated a different night and went to Alamexo for a special dinner in SLC.  If you haven't been its a must if you're a guacamole lover!

This year was full of birthday parties, baby blessings and family things.  We love getting together as a family.  This was on Adam's blessing day.  Brittany gave these adorable little jars to each sibling!

More wedding planning!  I can't tell you how many random pictures to price match, remember colors, and so much more!  We also started planning colors for the different room because we registered at the end of February.

More wedding things!!  Deciding on colors, and Emma was the perfect little helper to test out the little girl dresses.

My adorable "Seagull Flock" gave me THE sweetest bridal shower.  These ladies hold such a special place in my heart.  Bev made the most amazing slush and served some yummy treats and we had such a fun time together.  We even played a super fun game that Kris brought, that was a fun way for all of them to get to know Dallin a little bit better.

With all the wedding planning I had to take some time out to bake and de-stress!  These were a HUGE hit!  I've made them several times since then, and hopefully I'll post my revisions soon.  But until then the original recipe for these delicious Peanut Butter Brownie Bites are from Your Cup of Cake!


We got our engagements done and I just love them.  Update on this somehow we lost them recently on our computer and sweet Jenn our amazing photographer STILL had them on file.  She totally saved the day and helped us so much.  She's a complete sweetheart!  Anyway she also did a perfect job on our engagements and I hope to share more of those sometime soon as well!

Meanwhile we always tried to keep going to our ward activities.  We loved when we hiked up Bells Canyon for FHE one night.

I also loved this fun garland from a RS Stake Presidency meeting.  Is it crazy I miss those meetings and all the fun things our Stake RS Presidency would do!?

More wedding things.  I can't tell you how many random pictures I have on my phone like this.

Dallin graduated from the U!  Such an exciting time, I am so glad I was there for it!


My sweet friend Lana Jones who used to be my Young Women's president hosted a bridal shower for me for all of my ward friends!  It was SO fun to see all the ladies that I've grown up with and that have helped me with church things.  I wish I had a picture!!!

My sisters in law and my mother in law hosted a super cute shower for Dallin's side. They served some amazing and creative desserts all around my favorite color-PINK!

They also played a super fun game!  They bought a ton of different food items, wrapped them in white paper so I couldn't see the label and wrote on the bottom what it was.  Each guest had to pick an item and try to draw what it was.  After everyone was done I got to guess what it really was from their picture.  And they also gave Dallin and I all the food!! It was so perfect and nice of them.

I received my Endowments at the Draper LDS temple.  It was such an incredible night spent with the people I love the very most-my family, at my very favorite place. 

My sweet friends gave me the cutest bridal shower.  My friend Madi planned the whole thing and Gabby did all the adorable decorations.  I cannot believe that this is the ONLY picture I got. :( Gabby had adorable hot air balloon and pinwheel decorations everywhere.  Madi had amazing food and games planned we could all play in her perfect backyard.  I loved every minute of it! 
I gave my very last lesson in the YSA ward and I wanted to go out with a bang!  Little did I know that the next week I'd be caught on the spot to give a lesson because a teacher wasn't scheduled.  Mental note ALWAYS have a lesson ready! 

Since I knew I was being released as the YSA relief society president in my ward I wanted to give my presidency a little gift for each of them.  I put a note in the back for each girl of how much they taught and helped me throughout our time in the presidency and how much each of them meant to me. 

By June wedding things were in full swing, and with me being released from my calling I could finally focus all my attention on the wedding!  My Mom and sisters planned THE cutest tea party for my Nelson family shower.  I have always wanted to have a tea party of my very own and geez Louise was I happy about what they did.  I'm hoping to find more pictures because they did such an amazing job!
After my dress was finally here and altered we had to run and take our bridals/groomals!  We loved getting all dressed up and taking a day off work! :)  Here are some of our favorites!  Jenn did such an amazing job.  We went to the Temple Quarry up Little Cottonwood canyon.  It wasn't a typical location but I LOVE what she caught! 


 The day we planned and looked forward to for so long finally came!  We got married!!  If you want to see more from our special day you can go here and here!

Then we were headed off on our honeymoon.  We spent a night in SLC at Little America, then we spent a few days in Deer Valley.  It was completely dreamy and perfect!  We loved where we stayed, we had all this to ourselves.


We also passed our first year mark when we started dating, so we hiked to one of our favorite places up Little Cottonwood Canyon known as "The Old Mill".  Dallin also surprised me with the most gorgeous roses. 

We moved to SLC in a super cute older house turned triplex and have loved every minute of exploring the city and enjoying being together all the time.


The Strong Family Carnival was super fun!  My sweet mother in law said I could invite Emma and she loved it all so much! She planned so many fun games and treats, everyone had a blast!

When we went on our Honeymoon we got a gift card for Summer Activities up at Deer Valley but it was so rainy when we went we decided to go up in better weather and have another little getaway.

We took the lift all the way to the top and the view was completely breathtaking!

We went to Bear Lake with my family and stayed at our favorite family friend's cabin.  We went to the Lake for the first time and we loved it, Emma said she wanted to stay in her pool Dallin made her all day long. 


Dallin came out of the lake with this and said it was a Lake bouquet just for me.  :)

Meanwhile Adam and I had a blast playing in the sand.

On our way back through Logan Canyon we found this super cool spring..  While we were there this super nice biker dude and his girlfriend talked to us and he told us one day he was stopped here and someone came out of the huge whole/spring back in the shade there, complete with scuba gear and all. 

We also got our fair share of walks in the golley.  Man I miss that!


With us exploring SLC we decided to hike Ensign Peak and it was beautiful!  I'm telling ya this city life might just be growing on me, maybe...

We really worked on furnishing our apartment too.  I'm pretty sure our apartment could be in an IKEA catalog, they have so many great things for super cheap.  We had so much fun putting them all together!


Update on Dallin's big test-HE PASSED! WhoOo!

October Highlights here!


November Highlights here!


December Highlights here!
Here's to a great year behind us and we're hopeful for an even better year ahead!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You had a busy month. It was a great year especially with your wedding and all of the fun showers!:)
