Thursday, December 29, 2022

New Website!!

I wanted to give an update that I have a new WEBSITE now!! This blog will stay up and running as long as possible.  I am noticing that some links won't let you download right away.  If you need to access a file please follow the prompts to ask for permission.  It will automatically send me an email, I'll approve it and then you'll get an email with the file you're able to download.  I am hoping to go through all my old links and update them so you won't have to do that, but it does take time so please follow the prompts until then.  I check my emails regularly so I should get back to you ASAP.  If you need a file quickly the best way to reach me is through Instagram.  While you're there I'd super appreciate some support with a follow!  You can find all my latest links including my LTK, Tik Tok and more HERE!

If you have time to pin, share, mention my blog or Instagram posts, etc. it really does help so much and makes a big difference.  Thank you!!

If you'd like to stay up to date on all things RuthAnne Strong please head on over to, I'll still share all the fun we had over here and hopefully even more!! Recipes, Bake Shop recipes, handouts, church lessons, parties, family updates, traditions and more! Thank you so much for supporting me and my family!

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Pamper Love Notes

After a year like 2020 I think we all deserve some pampering!  This Love Note would be perfect for thinking of you gifts, friends, loved ones, family, neighbors, or anyone that you know that has had a rough year.

I love my clear cellophane bags and use them all the time.  Use bag filler or crinkle cut paper in the bottom then fill to your hearts content!  Some of my favorite pampering essentials lately include:  a pumice stone, blue light glasses, bath bombs, shower cap, sheet masks, scrunchies, and hand lotion.

I got most of these for Christmas and have honestly loved them all!  I love gifts like that, things you actually use and love!

I also love the options of a cute clutch that can be used later in a purse or home to contain lots of little things, also making it perfect for gifts!  Fill it with my favorite NYX Butter Glosses, bath bomb or EOS lip butter.

Seriously you can make this as cheap or expensive as you want.  Think a gift card for a manicure, pedicure, massage, facial, etc.  they all sound so dreamy right!

Find both pamper love notes-HERE!

This post may contain affiliate links but all opinions are my own.

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Follow the Prophet Primary/ FHE Lesson

I'll be honest I haven't been the best about home church.  Especially when it comes to primary for my little Liv!  One of my goals this year is to make home church, primary lessons and FHE a priority!

My sister and I decided to make a primary/FHE lesson each week!  

This last week in Come Follow Me-For Primary we focused on Following the Prophet, specifically on Doctrine and Covenants 1.

I made cute little handouts and treats for each child.  Rice Krispie treat traffic lights with a chocolate topping and red, yellow and green skittles on top.  I cut them to be exactly the right size.  I place them on a cupcake liner and then in a cellophane bag.  Tied it with a few ribbons and attached the little note to tie into the lesson.  I know how to do this part! haha

Working with Primary age kids I don't know how to do so well.  Enter Brittany!  The mastermind of Primary!  She use to be a Kindergarten teacher, currently a preschool teacher and has had many callings in the primary!  She knows what she's doing here!

Us adults cut and glued road warning signs on large popsicle sticks.  We discussed about how each of them help warn drivers on the road.  We had a picture of President Nelson, cut out a Prophet Match Game and Brittany also created a little Follow the Prophet Maze!  I'm so excited Brittany thought of a Come Follow me Journal that we can keep all of our lessons in all year long!  

Liv loved it too!  In case your TOTALLY oblivious like me.  Here's what we did for the scheduling!  

Sunday-short introductory lesson, Liv is 3 and loves to talk, we didn't cover much and that's ok!  I talked about how we need to follow warning signs from the Prophet just like we need to follow warning signs on the road.  And how these warning signs keep us safe and happy!  We sang a few songs:  Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam, Once there was a Snowman, I am a Child of God, and Follow the Prophet; then I introduced the topic.  We played the prophet Match Game and then we watched Sacrament Meeting on Zoom while Liv ate her lunch.  

On Monday night = Family Home Evening, we talked about the same things we did on Sunday and then did all the activities.  We played the Prophet Match Game, a Follow the Prophet game-where you hide the picture of the prophet and then give the child clues to where the Prophet is, like saying if they are getting warm/cold.  Liv colored her Come Follow Me front page and did the Follow the Prophet maze.  We talked about the signs again and watched THIS video, I added that we need to follow the warning signs from the Prophet just as we need to follow the warning signs in the scriptures.  Liv had her treat and loved every minute of it all!

I've learned already to keep it as simple and straight forward as possible!

I've also learned that Liv loved every minute we were "doing church" together and it is completely worth it!

So here's to hoping for many more lessons in 2021!

Brittany was kind enough to give us the files she put together.  
You can find most of the printables HERE!

You can find the Follow the Prophet handout tag HERE

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Kiss this Year Goodbye! Love Note

I didn't plan to roll out a Love Note any time soon but when I want to give a small gift I just have to have a tag, and if I don't have another one in mind, I create it!  And then I think, maybe others would like this too?  So hopefully you do!

If there was ever a year to kiss goodbye, I'm pretty sure 2020 is it! haha  Wouldn't you love getting this from your minister-er, friend, or neighbor?  

You could fill a small bag with Hershey's Kisses, Always Lipgloss, my favorite NYX butter gloss (this color is Creme Brûlée), an EOS lip balm or Covergirl Lip product.  Or just tie up one lip product and attach the tag.  

Every one always needs a new lipgloss!  What better way to ring in the new year with a fun new tube!

I had a little hang up on wording.  I still think it should say KISS this year goodbye!  And maybe one day it will. haha but until then hopefully you still like it.

And I didn't know whether to put THIS year or LAST year.  So I did both!  Then you can have options and who doesn't love options!

Even if you don't want to print the tags you've got to check out NYX Butter Glosses, they are my favorite lip product for sure!! Happy New Year!! Here's to a better year ahead.

Find this tag 'Let's KISS this year goodbye!' HERE!

This post may contain affiliate links but all opinions are my own.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Christmas Children Books

 Livy loves books and she's especially loved all the fun Christmas books we have!  I have kept my eye out at Dollar Tree and the dollar section at Target and Walmart and have grabbed most from there.  A few have been hand me downs, some are mine from when I was younger, some are more expensive and some are very affordable.

We love books so we try to find a way around the price!  Some of Livy's favorites are the cheapest ones, and they are perfect for reading quickly which I love when it's time to go to sleep.  I store them with my Christmas decor so they are fun and new every December when I bring them out!

Merry Christmas Mouse!  is a cute one, we love What's a Christmas?, and Twas' the Night Before Christmas (these were a gift from my Mom, can't find a link sorry!), and Clifford's Christmas.  

Liv also loves The Christmas Alphabet, Jingle Bells, and The Story of Christmas (last two were more gifts from my Mom).

I try to get 1 or 2 new books every holiday to add to the collection too.  This year Santa brought Little Blue Truck's Christmas, and the elves brought Polar Express, 5 Minute Disney Christmas Stories, and I Believe in Santa Claus.

I love Christmas books and am always adding more and more to my wish list!  Let me know if you have a favorite that I should get!  

This post contains affiliate links, but all opinions are my own.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

December Love Note-He is the GIFT

 I wanted to round out the year with sharing one last monthly Love Note.  I'm not sure what next year has in store for this little old blog.  I have lots of ideas with recipes, parties, kid activities and so let's see how they all turn out.  Instead of monthly I might do Seasonal/Quarterly Love Notes.  We'll see!  They just take a really long time to create and post.  If you use my Love Notes let me know and I'll be more motivated to keep going!

This month I'm sharing an oldie but a goodie!  I made these for my Singles Ward Relief Society when I was in the RS Presidency for Christmas gifts for each of the women.  It was simple but reminded them of the true meaning of Christmas which I love!  

I got some Peppermint Joe Joe's at Trader Joe's and dipped them in milk or white chocolate, then topped them with different toppings, crushed peppermint, drizzled chocolate, etc. BE WARE of the Gluten Free Peppermint Joe Joe's!  We accidentally got a box a year ago and they are nasty! If you're not near a TJ"s obviously use Oreo's!  I used THESE bags to package each individual cookie.  then just tape the top down in the back.  I separated the picture from the cookies so if people had aversions or allergies they could choose to take one or not.

Along with one dipped cookie I gave them a small 3X4 picture of Christ, I found a set from Seagull Book, I found some online HERE, or I've been able to find them in store near the pictures.  Just get a small variety pack and it will make it super easyI probably got 2 packs of pictures for under $5, which covered the main cost of the whole gift.  Then wrapped it with a small ribbon to look like a gift.  They could put the picture anywhere from their journal, car, room, fridge, the list could go on and on.

You can find the "He is the GIFT!" tag-HERE!

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Thankful November Love Notes

We know this Thanksgiving is going to be different than any other, but we can still show gratitude and show others we are grateful for them.  These little tags would be perfect to give to your family, friends, ministering sisters, teachers, students, etc.  All the people that you are going to miss this holiday! 

Or print them and use them as decor around your house.  Just one or two would add a touch of Thanksgiving to any room.

My mom always has chocolate turkeys at each place setting.  I'm going to miss that and so much about our usual Thanksgiving, this year.

We found these at Reams but you can find them at See's, Trader Joe's, or online HERE!  Or make your own with THIS mold.

I've had these cute Happy Thanksgiving containers for years and decided to pull them out!  This would be SO cute packed with my Chewy Cereal Mix, trail mix or any candy.

HERE is some more cute packaging options, find the Malt Balls HERE!

Or a favorite candy bar wrapped in a bow to let them know just how sweet they are!

This cute little turkey can be easily made with a little pot, some painted wood shapes, ribbon, pom pom eyes and fake leaves.

This sweet tag can be paired with anything SWEET!

Or anything really, give them this tag just to let them know that THEY are sweet!  How cute would a Thanksgiving decoration would be with any of these tags.  Like THIS, or THIS, or THIS!

Throw some treats in a cute container and put on some cute washi tape and you're good to go!

Candy corn gets a bad rap but it is real sweet!  Find a cute little container, like this small leaf tray-fill it with something sweet and pair it with this tag.

I love this little turkey clipart that can be paired with THESE little turkey decorations, or THIS or THIS!

Or that same little turkey we saw before.

Or a "turkey feather" sucker, I found these from a local candy shop but you can find these adorable turkey sucker covers HERE!

Love the idea of gifting a Gratitude Journal or Bullet Journal that they can use for the upcoming year for any reason or to list what they are grateful for.

So many options, love these mini bread loafs pans too! They'd be so cute with a mini home made bread or treats.  I love this paper option, less expensive and still so cute!

If you'd like any of these FREE printable you can find them HERE!

This post may contain affiliate links but all opinions are my own.