I'll be honest I haven't been the best about home church. Especially when it comes to primary for my little Liv! One of my goals this year is to make home church, primary lessons and FHE a priority!
My sister and I decided to make a primary/FHE lesson each week!
I made cute little handouts and treats for each child. Rice Krispie treat traffic lights with a chocolate topping and red, yellow and green skittles on top. I cut them to be exactly the right size. I place them on a cupcake liner and then in a cellophane bag. Tied it with a few ribbons and attached the little note to tie into the lesson. I know how to do this part! haha
Working with Primary age kids I don't know how to do so well. Enter Brittany! The mastermind of Primary! She use to be a Kindergarten teacher, currently a preschool teacher and has had many callings in the primary! She knows what she's doing here!
Us adults cut and glued road warning signs on large popsicle sticks. We discussed about how each of them help warn drivers on the road. We had a picture of President Nelson, cut out a Prophet Match Game and Brittany also created a little Follow the Prophet Maze! I'm so excited Brittany thought of a Come Follow me Journal that we can keep all of our lessons in all year long!
Liv loved it too! In case your TOTALLY oblivious like me. Here's what we did for the scheduling!
Sunday-short introductory lesson, Liv is 3 and loves to talk, we didn't cover much and that's ok! I talked about how we need to follow warning signs from the Prophet just like we need to follow warning signs on the road. And how these warning signs keep us safe and happy! We sang a few songs: Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam, Once there was a Snowman, I am a Child of God, and Follow the Prophet; then I introduced the topic. We played the prophet Match Game and then we watched Sacrament Meeting on Zoom while Liv ate her lunch.

On Monday night = Family Home Evening, we talked about the same things we did on Sunday and then did all the activities. We played the Prophet Match Game, a Follow the Prophet game-where you hide the picture of the prophet and then give the child clues to where the Prophet is, like saying if they are getting warm/cold. Liv colored her Come Follow Me front page and did the Follow the Prophet maze. We talked about the signs again and watched
THIS video, I added that we need to follow the warning signs from the Prophet just as we need to follow the warning signs in the scriptures. Liv had her treat and loved every minute of it all!
I've learned already to keep it as simple and straight forward as possible!
I've also learned that Liv loved every minute we were "doing church" together and it is completely worth it!
So here's to hoping for many more lessons in 2021!
Brittany was kind enough to give us the files she put together.
You can find most of the printables
You can find the Follow the Prophet handout tag