Thursday, July 26, 2018

Be a SMART cookie while learning the gospel.

What is the role of agency in learning the gospel?

Back in February I taught a lesson on how we can use our agency to learn the gospel in the youth Sunday school class I teach.  I thought this was the perfect time for our 14 year old class to hear this message, but really it's such a good reminder for everyone-no matter your age!

Some scriptures we read:  2 Nephi 2:26, Joseph Smith History 1:10-18, James 1:22, D&C 88:118, and D&C 58:26-28.  We talked about how Heavenly Father created us as agents who act, not as objects that are acted upon-which also includes learning the gospel.  We get to choose if we are going to make it a priority to learn the gospel for ourselves. 

We talked about how we could learn from Joseph Smith's example and what he did to learn the gospel.  I loved this quote from Elder Bednar, "As learners, you and I are to act and be doers of the word and not simply hearers who are only acted upon.  Are you and I agents who act and seek learning by faith, or are we waiting to be taught and acted upon?  Are the children, youth, and adults we serve acting and seeking to learn by faith, or are they waiting to be taught and acted upon?  Are you and I encouraging and helping those we serve to seek learning by faith?  We are all to be anxiously engaged in asking, seeking and knocking."

We talked about how we can be doers and not just hearers only.  And how we could apply those principles to guide our learning from sharing our testimony to reading our scriptures.  

We get to choose if we read our scriptures and pray every night or if we participate in church.  We talked about what blessings we will receive once we actively seek to learn the gospel.  Elder Bednar said, "In our personal lives, in our families, and in the Church, we can and will receive the blessings of spiritual strength, direction, and protection as we seek by faith to obtain and apply spiritual knowledge."

To go along with this lesson I wanted the class to realize they can be a 'smart cookie' while learning the gospel.  To go along with the cookie theme we made a batch of our favorite chocolate chip cookies.  If you don't have Wendy Paul's 101 Gourmet Cookies for Everyone Cookbook you totally need it in your life!  Her Chocolate Chip Pudding Cookies are our absolute favorite!

We let the cookies cool and package them up in our favorite little bags to add a pop of color, and attached the tag you can print below.

If you'd like the free printable for the 'Hey Smart Cookie!' Tag you can find it HERE!

This post may contain affiliate links, but all opinions are my own.


  1. Do you still have a copy of the actual lesson you taught in that February? I can't find it on anymore and I really need a quote from it.

    1. I'm so sorry for the delay I'm just seeing this. Would you like my lesson outline i wrote in addition to the lesson or the main lesson from I found this on but I'm not sure if it's the exact lesson that goes along with this post. I hope that helps!
